
在全球范围内,对高层建筑火灾蔓延的研究有着悠久的历史。在过去的几十年里,在如何控制火势蔓延方面已经有了很好的工程实践。许多国家和地区对幕墙夹层缝的防火密封方法采用了标准化试验。相关建筑安全法规开始对高层建筑进行幕墙规定,以保证生命财产安全。为了更好地理解在有玻璃幕墙的高层建筑中,火灾是如何蔓延的,我们需要想象这样一个场景:如果某一楼层发生火灾,随着火势的蔓延,该楼层的室内压力会慢慢增加,中间的幕墙玻璃在火焰的吞没下破裂,使更多的氧气加入到房间,这促使火势进一步增加,并蔓延到上层的底板和幕墙结构的内侧。此外,一定的火焰可能会从破碎的窗户中爆发出来,并开始攻击上层幕墙结构的外侧。如果地板和幕墙结构之间有缝隙,火焰会迅速从这个层间缝冲到楼上。针对这一挑战,有必要合理设计和安装层间缝防火系统,既能在整个火灾过程中保持稳定,又能满足两侧接火和避免火灾垂直蔓延的要求。由于幕墙结构的许多建筑材料都不是耐火材料,这进一步加剧了高层建筑火灾的蔓延。 Profiles such as glass or aluminum are usually integrated into modern curtain wall structures. Under normal circumstances, these materials are deliberately made lighter and thinner, thereby weakening their fire resistance. -Under normal circumstances, the glass will shatter in 5-15 minutes after exposure to fire, and the aluminum profile will melt when it reaches 660°C. Although materials that are considered to have better fire resistance are sometimes used, these materials often fail in actual fires, for example, stone partitions such as granite, marble, travertine, or gray sandstone or the filled partition itself It is a good refractory material and will not burn. However, in a fire, these panels will rupture after being heated, and even due to different degrees of extension in all directions, or the stone contains a certain amount of moisture, it will explode after heating. Does this mean that these materials cannot be used? This is definitely not the case. The most feasible way is to improve the fire resistance of these components by adopting a simple system with high-temperature insulating materials, and at the same time, correctly install a fire-proof sealing system. This article discusses related issues and shares related engineering application experience.(2)层间接缝防火密封系统介绍 用于层间接缝的防火密封系统,这个术语很快成为防止高层建筑火灾蔓延的代名词。层间缝防火密封系统包括安装在外墙与楼板间隙内的耐火楼板构件、外墙构件和材料。这些材料可以避免在楼层之间形成火灾蔓延通道。一些国家已经采用了一些测试标准来评价层间联合消防系统的相对性能。其中一项标准是ASTM E2307-10,即美国层间缝耐火标准(ISMA),该标准采用两层中等尺度结构模型,对高层建筑层间缝防火密封系统性能进行评价。耐火老化,模型正面为玻璃幕墙结构;上面一层为观察室,下面一层为实验室(加热炉),上下两层为钢筋混凝土楼层。消防系统安装在楼板与幕墙分离区水平间隙测试结构安装完成后,点燃实验室内的电炉。5分钟后,玻璃幕墙外的另一个火源被点燃,模拟窗户被打破后上升的火焰。也就是说,在幕墙结构外部构件直接暴露于火灾的同时,内部火源已经对幕墙结构内部构件、楼板底部以及层间缝防火密封系统的相关材料进行了攻击。 The termination of the test is based on the occurrence of the test failure phenomenon or the termination after the expected fire resistance aging is reached. Test failure refers to the phenomenon of flame passing through the fire-proof sealing system in the observation room. In addition, if there are any hot spots, it is also regarded as a test failure. By covering the interlayer seam fire protection system of the observation room with a piece of cotton mattress and keeping it for 30 seconds to observe whether there are cracks or holes in the fire protection sealing system. If the cotton mattress burns, the fire blocking system is also considered to be ineffective. If the blocking system cannot effectively reduce the heat from the overheated glass, the cotton mattress will burn prematurely. During the test, the heat diffusion is analyzed by monitoring the temperature of the backfire surface. The fire-resistant aging and heat-resistant aging tested are based on the relevant procedures of ASTM E2307-10. Fire-resistant aging is the time for the fire blocking system to block the passage of flames; heat-resistant aging is the effect of heat transfer in the measurement system. Most curtain wall fire-proof sealing systems use aluminum profiles or anchors with good thermal conductivity, and their heat-resistant aging does not exceed 15 to 30 minutes, and the fire-resistant aging usually can reach 2 hours or more.(3)层间煤层防火封堵系统结构 2、矿棉隔断安装1个铝框幕墙结构与传统(易燃材料,如2022年世界杯整体对阵表玻璃、铝或石材)隔墙最常见的采用耐高温矿棉隔墙。矿棉隔断由矿渣棉或岩棉制成,可承受高达100度的高温。幕墙框架围绕隔断的纵横构件,一般采用矿棉隔墙包裹(密度一般为96-128kg/m3)。矿棉板的安装方式有很多种。有时也会使用钢板,但通常情况下,钢板的作用只是美化隔断的形状;有时在垂直构件之间的隔板上安装一系列水平钢构件;或者通过一些钢夹和钢钉。固定矿棉板。矿棉板除了用钢锚和防护罩固定外,通常还可以用带大钢垫圈的钢螺栓或杯形焊接钉将矿棉板固定在角钢、钢板或槽钢的重叠处。矿棉隔断是该幕墙的重要组成部分。 After the insulation layer on the exterior of the curtain wall is dropped, although the surrounding aluminum profiles and partitions will melt and fall due to heat, the mineral wool partitions can still maintain the integrity during the entire process of the fire-proof containment system. Another component that must be installed is the horizontal clamping groove. It is placed between the vertical frames, fixed to the side angle steel, the vertical frame, or is spot welded or seam welded to the steel back plate. The location of the clamping groove is directly collinear with the location where the fire containment system will be installed, so it should be installed at half the thickness of the floor. Tightening grooves can be constructed with channel steel, steel vertical bars or two angle steels joined to form a'T'. The clamping groove is installed when installing other mineral wool support grooves (angle steel or backing board) and installed behind the insulation layer of the curtain wall. Its main function is to ensure that the fire-proof sealing system (the mineral wool) is in a compressed state when exposed to fire.防火封堵2、2个水平接缝 介绍完幕墙结构矿棉隔断的安装及相关的支撑体系后,就需要介绍如何封堵水平层间接缝了。水平缝的正确封堵方法是在缝中插入重量轻(一般为64kg/m3)的矿棉条。将矿棉板切割成一定宽度的矿棉条子,将几条矿棉条子放在一起,比层间缝宽25% ~ 33%左右,这样可以获得20% ~ 25%的压缩率。安装时矿棉带应保持平整,通常矿棉表面与地面平整。一般情况下,矿棉只需要紧紧挤压,不需要额外的支撑构件。矿棉安装完成后,在矿棉表面做一层防火密封层或涂防火密封胶。这些产品通常是乳胶基材,其中大部分可以用喷雾机进行喷涂或喷涂。这一层防火密封层非常重要。一方面,它可以将各种构件(几条矿棉条、幕墙框架、地板边缘)粘合在一起,形成一个体系;另一方面是一种密封层,既能保证矿棉的完整性,又能隔离高温烟气; sometimes, the silicone base material can also be used for waterproofing. For some designs, the last step in the interlayer seam fireproof sealing system is the protection or wrapping of the curtain wall mullions. This is a very small part of the curtain wall insulation layer made of the same mineral wool. By wrapping the mullions on the upper and lower floors with mineral wool boards, the thermal insulation performance can be improved, and the thermal insulation layers of the curtain wall can be connected to form a continuous fire separation belt.四)防止烟雾扩散 在火灾现场,烟雾是致命的因素。正确的层间接缝防火密封系统有助于减少烟雾的蔓延。通常,幕墙结构的保温层在隔离区设置铝箔。2022年世界杯整体对阵表此外,防火密封层或防火密封胶作为连续构件,以阻断烟气在空隙内的蔓延。许多相关实验室都建立了气密性实验室,用于测试防火密封层或防火密封胶。最好的防火系统可以实现每单位长度的释放速率小于1升每秒。火灾发生时,火区的压力逐渐增大,比空气轻的烟雾和燃烧副产物开始积聚在天花板上。如果压力继续增加,其中的烟雾和燃烧副产物将被挤进一些没有堵塞的孔。此外,在高层建筑中,由于室内外温差造成的压力差,气流运动形成烟囱效应。烟囱效应被认为是烟雾垂直运动的主要原因。 The higher the height of the building, the more obvious the chimney effect. Using some products with better airtightness can help cope with the vertical spread of smoke(5)工程案例2009年2月9日,美国麦迪逊大道510号商住建筑在改造过程中发生火灾(见图1Ol,火灾层(2楼X,见图11)火势得到有效控制,建筑采用美国ST 特科科技有限公司提供防火封堵系统。值得思考的是,当天中国刚刚竣工的中央电视台大楼北配电楼发生了火灾但是火势蔓延得非常严重,几乎整个大楼都被烧毁了。(6)结论本文介绍的防火方案主要是限制火、烟和燃烧副产物在层间缝中的蔓延。由于幕墙结构本身的垂直施工,相对较大的幕墙结构的相关环节与楼板之间自然存在缝隙,有时可能是为了安装水管或平整独立隔墙。楼板通过层间缝的防火密封系统,能有效保证消防隔间的功能能延伸到建筑外墙。现代阻火系统旨在设计一种安全、简单的层间缝防火系统,同时满足其他需求。当然,一些地区,如中国,还没有建立完整的层间缝密封系统测试方案,但可以利用有资质的工程师提供的相关工程指南,使该地区的人们采用更适合的层间缝防火密封系统,可以建造更安全的生产和生活建筑物。典型的防火密封产品通常(在销售之前)需要根据相关规定在不同工况下进行上万次的测试,相关性能测试报告确认可以在各种具体情况下使用。使用这些产品,在不增加施工成本的情况下,除了起到防火阻燃的作用外,还可以达到保温、节能、防潮、防雾和隔音的效果。
